
We are customer centric, we are employee centric, we are community centric.


Transaction Management

Is a supplement to the present escrow and title services we provide. Our Transactions Management department gives the customer:

  • Prompt accurate preliminary commitment arrangement and delivery.

  • Working with parties to the transaction to eliminate exceptions

  • Provide updates to preliminary commitments.

  • Review and adhere to requirement of the earnest money including time requirements.

  • Monitor with realtors, financial institutions and parties’ various requirements.

  • Keep parties timely informed of timelines.

  • Provide appropriate, authorized document preparation.

  • Provide trust accounting and settlement statements of transactions.

  • Assist parties and their agents in accessing services that must be provided by third parties.

  • Recording and distribution of all documents and instructions.

  • Providing recording of documentations and funds to appropriate parties.


Investment Management

Your portfolio will reflect our best thinking on markets and your team’s understanding of your needs in the context of your life. Your account Centricr team pursues appropriate returns for you through a range of innovative investment strategies that can include internal and external managers, active and passive strategies, and alternative investments. Our size allows us to offer a full range of investment opportunities while remaining nimble on security selection, portfolio construction, and asset allocation decisions for each client. We can take into account your entire portfolio — wherever the assets are held.

  • Large-, mid-, and small-cap stocks.

  • Municipal and taxable bonds.

  • Hedge funds.

  • Private equity funds.

  • Real estate holdings.

  • Private companies.

  • Energy holdings.


© 2023 Account Centric LLC.